I guess I think that this year is going to be one that is full of change, and change is always scary. Chances are my job situation will change, which will obviously be big. It also will be a big year for my father in law, who I adore, because he's on dialysis and awaiting a potential kidney transplant. Baby Pooper is on the cusp of turning 1, which means that he's no longer my wee baby (so now it's my turn to act like one . . . waaaahhhhh!). He's already starting to do more little kid things and less baby things, so I guess I can't fight it any longer. Poo.
Perhaps it's time to set a few New Years Resolutions:
- I'm going to blog or write more often. Feel free not to read all of the blogs -- they're often mostly just interesting to me, I'd wager.
- I'm not going to settle. When it comes time to make any changes professionally, I will know my worth and expect nothing less than what I deserve. And I am going to do my best not to just take a JOB, but to finally begin building my CAREER.
- I'm going to do my very, absolute best to be a more relaxed, laid back person. Not sweat the small stuff, all that junk. I think I've made this one for quite a few years in a row, but I'm still at it, so here it is on the list yet again. Don't judge me -- no one said I had to get it done on a timeline (and if you don't like me in the meantime, no sweat. I understand. Just continue to stay away, because I can't promise when I'll be done. Bwah!)
- I'm going to plan a GREAT trip. Not sure when we'll take it, but the planning will begin this year.
Here we go!